BA Must-Reads: #4 OKRs
#BAMustReads number four, is aimed at any business or digital professional who has an interest in using a goal setting framework, specifically Objective and Key Results. Often referred to through the abbreviation of OKRs. Now, there are A LOT of books, blogs, and more on the topic of OKRs. Some great, some less so. Here are some […]

BABoss – What is a BA Service and why do you need one?
Looking forward to tomorrow’s BABoss, where the marvellous Tammy Kennedy and I will be talking about what is a BA Service, and why you need one! You can find out more on the event, by checking out the BABoss with Corecom site. Hopefully see many of you there!

10 principles for working with processes
Process: “a series of actions or events performed to make something or achieve a particular result, or a series of changes that happen naturally” Source: Cambridge Dictionary When used correctly, process modelling is an invaluable activity, and along with process maps can be a powerful way of communicating of what is happening or should happen. […]

In-person events are back! 😀
How great is it that in-person events are back? Hadn’t realised until recently how much I’ve missed them. Don’t get me wrong, well ran virtual events with good topics and speakers are great! And both the quality and quantity of these has improved a lot, over the past couple of years. But, nothing fully competes […]

BA Must-Reads: #3 Community & practice leadership
#BAMustReads number three, is specifically aimed at those in business analyst leadership positions, or those who are aspiring to be in them. You’re likely to be a Lead BA, Business Analysis Manager or Head of Business Manager. They are centred around developing effective communities of practice, as well as leading teams to deliver a high […]

Justice Digital Learning at Work Week
7 things music could teach you about what it takes to be a good business analyst Really enjoyed my second time speaking at Justice Digital‘s Learning at Work Week on Tuesday, trying to attract a new wave of people to consider business analysis as a career option, as well as promoting the core skills and […]

Calendar of BA events, conferences and meet-ups
Been asked a few times recently, where can you find a list of all the top BA conferences, meet-ups and events that are on. That got me thinking, that most events I come across are through having been to them before, or by chance such as LinkedIn, Twitter or chatting with someone. Therefore, I’ve collated […]

BA Brew Podcast: The BA Service Framework
Delighted and humbled to be asked to join the latest edition of AssistKD’s BA Brew podcast with the brilliant Debra Paul and Mike Williams. Talking about the superb BA Service Framework developed by Debbie, and how we’ve used that as the basis to create our own BA Service at the Ministry of Justice. If you’re looking to find a way […]

BA Must-Reads: #2 Advancing your career in business analysis and beyond
Here’s the second instalment of #BAMustReads, all focussed around advancing your career in business analysis and beyond. I’m a big believer that the skills and experience we develop as BAs, can be applied to so many career paths — all the way upto the C-Suite. 1. Business Analyst: Careers in business analysis by Adrian Reed When Adrian Reed […]

Q2 of BA Digest is out now!
How We’ve Introduced BA Service Thinking in an Established and Large Practice Delighted to have been able to contribute to this one, thanks to Adrian Reed for the nudge. Great to be able to share our success in how we’ve introduced service thinking into our BA practice at the Ministry of Justice, to better articulate […]